Which Season is Best for Your Next Move?

Which Season is Best for Your Next Move? Choosing the best time of year for your move can significantly impact the ease and cost of the process. At Movers Legion Seattle WA, we understand that every season comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. Here, we’ll explore the pros and cons of moving during each season to help you decide which is the best time for your next move.

Which Season is Best for Your Next Move?

Spring: A Fresh Start


  • Mild Weather: Spring offers moderate temperatures, making it comfortable for both packing and moving. The risk of weather-related issues, such as ice or extreme heat, is minimal.
  • Availability: Spring is generally less busy than summer, so moving companies often have more availability and can offer more flexible scheduling.
  • Blooming Environment: Moving in spring means you’ll settle into your new home as flowers and trees are blooming, adding to the beauty and positivity of your new surroundings.


  • Unpredictable Weather: Spring can bring unexpected rain showers, which might complicate the moving process. It’s essential to be prepared for wet conditions.
  • Allergies: If you suffer from seasonal allergies, springtime pollen can be a nuisance.

Summer: The Peak Moving Season


  • Longer Days: Extended daylight hours give you more time to pack, load, and unload, making the process more efficient.
  • School Break: If you have children, moving during summer vacation minimizes disruption to their school schedule and allows them to settle in before the new school year starts.
  • Ideal Selling Season: If you’re selling your home, summer is a great time as the real estate market tends to be more active.


  • High Demand: Summer is the busiest season for moving companies, which can result in higher prices and limited availability. Booking well in advance is crucial.
  • Heat: Moving in hot weather can be physically demanding and uncomfortable. It’s important to stay hydrated and take breaks to avoid heat exhaustion.

Fall: The Golden Season


  • Perfect Weather: Fall offers cool, comfortable temperatures, making the moving process more pleasant than the summer heat or winter cold.
  • Cost Savings: As the peak season ends, moving companies often lower their rates. This can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Less Competition: With fewer people moving, you’re more likely to secure the moving date and time that works best for you.


  • School Year: If you have children, moving during the school year can be disruptive and challenging to manage.
  • Shorter Days: As fall progresses, daylight hours decrease, which can limit the time you have to complete your move.

Winter: The Off-Peak Option


  • Lower Costs: Winter is the least popular moving season, leading to lower prices and more availability with moving companies.
  • Flexible Scheduling: With fewer people moving, you have greater flexibility in choosing your moving date and time.


  • Harsh Weather: Winter weather can be unpredictable and harsh, with snow, ice, and freezing temperatures posing significant challenges. Ensuring safe conditions for moving is crucial.
  • Holiday Season: Moving during the holiday season can be stressful and interfere with holiday plans and celebrations.
  • School Year: Like fall, moving in winter can disrupt the school year for families with children.


Each season offers unique benefits and drawbacks for moving. The best time for your move depends on your specific circumstances, such as family considerations, budget, and weather preferences. At Movers Legion Seattle WA, we’re here to assist you in planning and executing a seamless move, regardless of the season.

Contact us today for a free quote and let us help you determine the optimal time for your next move!


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